Mixtape 53 Burn me out and set me free.
  1. Double Echo – “The Position”, 2019.
  2. The Hollow Dolly – “Dance Your Life Away”, 2019.
  3. Skeleton Hands – “New Clear Dawn”, 2017.
  4. Talk to Her – “Set Me Free”, 2020.
  5. Houses of Heaven – “All Possible Obstacles Are Present”, 2020.
  6. Maenad Veyl – “Moving Heat”, 2020.
  7. Goblin Summoner – “Symbiotic Biomech”, 2020.
  8. Randolph & Mortimer – “Existing, Not Living”, 2020.
  9. HAEX – “Plague”, 2020.
  10. Vogue.Noir – “Resolution (Madmoizel Remix)”, 2020.
  11. Plack Blague – “Just Another Man of the Street”, 2017.
  12. The Hacker & HIV+ – “Növö Disko (ALEK DRIVE remix)”, 2016.
  13. Rue Oberkampf – “Im Tunnel”, 2019.
  14. Eyes Without a Face – “The Grift”, 2020.
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Other Episodes With Post-Punk or Darkwave

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Gary Numan | Automatic | MMYYLO | Book of Love | Talking Heads | Plateau | Rhys Fulber | Suicide | Sure | Blackouts | Bauhaus | INXS | Chasms | Topographies
Kite | Hapax | Automelodi | Shcuro | SDH | Lebanon Hanover | Depeche Mode | Covenant | Topographies | The Secret French Postcards | Did Virgo | Twice A Man | Rhys Fulber & Blush Response | Deadjump
The Runaways | Minuit Machine | Numb | Covenant | Kælan Mikla | Twin Tribes | Kike am Radar | Kanga | Sierra | 0THERC0DE | klack | Machines of Loving Grace | Filter | Gary Numan